Short course: Doing policy relevant research
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Short course: Doing policy relevant research

A think tank’s research agenda is a vital part of its DNA; it reveals several aspects of an organisation. External audiences, whether donors, government officials, or other think tanks that may either be competing or searching for alliances, will try to make sense of your research agenda to determine your unique value.

How can you – an active think-tanker – benefit from a course on policy-relevant research agendas? This course is two sided. On the one hand, it explores the concepts and principles that can guide the strategic decisions of a research agenda. On the other, it reviews a detailed process to implement these principles.


The course has a reflexive approach to research and design where participants engage actively with examples to see in practice the concepts of policy-relevant research, focusing on:

  • Discussing the principles of a policy-relevant agenda with the support of some examples.
  • Presenting concrete strategies to plan research agendas in consultation with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Drafting a process for participants to carry out to refresh an existing agenda or draft a new one.


This is a past course, but the resources and webinars can be accessed. To do so please register your information in this link (and subscribe to the OTT newsletter), after registration you will receive the password to access the course. Thank you!

June 1, 2017 - June 8, 2017


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