Research Assistant, The European Centre for Development Policy Management
Hilda, a research assistant at ECDPM under the Young International Professionals Programme since March 2023, focuses on policy issues surrounding AU-EU relations. Her research skills shine in projects analysing public policy issues within this context, notably the implications of EU policies on African countries, including commitments from the 2022 AU-EU summit.
Active in policy-related conferences, Hilda’s participation has honed her understanding of evolving EU policy issues and expanded her network. Selected for the EuroMeSCo Workout course on “EU funding opportunities for research and think tanks,” she gained insights into the institutional functioning of think tanks and their EU funding mechanisms.
Passionate about evidence-based research and equipped with academic backgrounds in International Relations (BA), Migration Studies (MA), and European Studies (MSC), Hilda has conducted three academic research projects, addressing loopholes in policies within Kenyan and European contexts. Beyond research, she indulges her love for travel, exploring new places, cultures, and appreciating the beauty of nature.