Lídia Climent
Executive Director of Educational Support, Fundació Bofill

A journalist from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) specialising in Human Rights and Development Cooperation, she has held various positions in international NGOs, taking her between Catalonia and the USA, with a significant period in Guatemala. There, she worked firsthand with several organizations dedicated to providing access to education for vulnerable communities, deepening her understanding of education as a tool for social transformation. 

Her career has led her to direct international teams and projects, design and execute strategic plans, and create and implement educational projects for vulnerable children and young people. 

She has taken on strategic and leadership roles in various organizations in New York and Guatemala and, more recently, at AECC and Doctors of the World. 

Her journey with Fundació Bofill began as Executive Director of the European Educational Reinforcement Project, an impact evaluation project (RCT) of different educational programs that aim to improve skills and socio-emotional competencies for children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds.

She is now Deputy Director, coordinating planning and strategic monitoring strategies, talent and human resources, and digitalization, focusing on implementing AI in different foundation areas. 

Whenever possible, she volunteers, mentors, and activists in various civil society organizations. 


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