Saikou Safahiyou Diallo
Chief Finance Officer, Soguime Guinea

Saikou is the Chief Finance Officer of Soguime Guinea, assuming the role in 2020. Prior to his CFO position, Saikou played a pivotal role at First Bank (Guinea), managing tasks such as monthly return templates, fixed asset registers, staff salary accounting, tax returns, and more. His experience extends to being the Team Leader at Selfridges & Co in London, where he oversaw balance sheets, inventory, and financial decision-making.

Additionally, Saikou served as the Team Lead for the Electoral Commission of The Union of Guinea’s Democratic Forces (EC-UGDF), participating in multiple elections and emphasising the importance of human resources, management, and strategic communication in politics. He holds a BA in Business Administration-Finance from London South Bank University, a Business Foundation from the University of Wales, and a College Year Program (CYP) Certification from ASPECT College English Language School in London.


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